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My Hair Is Better Than Yours

Hold up! What? Let's be quite honest with ourselves here. No hair type is better than the other. Having more kinks or curls or none at all does not mean that one hair type is superior to the next. What makes hair beautiful is the health of that hair and nothing else. We as women should embrace the hair that we have no matter what shape, form, colour, texture or length that it has.

Beautiful hair can be found everywhere

Your hair is not something that should give you any form of bragging rights or put you on a pedestal. And if it does, then you should check yourself and re-evaluate who you are. Your value and worth should not be defined by your hair or what social media tells you about it. The beautiful thing about hair is that it is very diverse. It can be styled in a million and one different ways. It is true that some hair types can create styles that others cannot but this is where we learn to appreciate diversity and not be hateful or malicious.

We have to learn to love and embrace what we have before we can truly feel the same about others. If you love your own hair for what it can and cannot do, then chances are you will see the beauty in someone else's hair. Ultimately, the best hair is healthy hair.

Remember, to have healthy hair, you must do healthy things.

ThinkSpiration Lifestyle


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